Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
Reclaiming Pride's mission is to foster a sense of belonging, validation, and support, recognizing that the intersections of identity can add unique challenges to the healing process both during and after narcissistic abuse.
Each episode is themed by situations that LGBT+ narc. abuse survivors encounter with their NPD partner / relative / friend / co-worker.
New episodes every two weeks.
Reclaiming Pride: LGBT+ Survivors of Narcissistic Abuse
25. Is Someone Born a Narcissist? Recent Research on Differences in Brain Structure & Listener Q&A
In this episode, we explore a common question from listeners: Is narcissistic personality disorder (NPD) nature or nurture? The episode delves into recent research suggesting differences in brain structure for individuals with NPD and also antisocial personality disorder.
We will also look at recent medical research on the biological, neuropsychiatric, and even genetic aspects of NPD. Structural and functional brain imaging reveal differences in brain regions for individuals with NPD, particularly in areas controlling emotional empathy and self-esteem, so is NPD nature or nurture? Find out in this episode.
I look forward to healing with you.